Belgium only produced a set of figures where all care home deaths were presumed to be Covid-related To compare like-for-like, this equates most closely to the UK Excess deaths figures. So I have added the "Belgium scale" to the comparison of Covid Deaths per million people across European nations As before, the X-axis is not meaningful - the datapoints are spread out only to prevent the labels from overlapping
Yesterday, one of the topics on Tom Swarbrick's show on LBC was the Extinction Rebellion protests in London. The Deputy Editor of Spiked spoke about them on the show. Tom also spoke about plastics. Both Tom and the Spiked correspondent’s view of Extinction Rebellion (ER) seemed to be that 1) ER don’t have policies (other than calling for a climate emergency), and also 2) ER have policies which are too extreme. Quite obviously, only one of those points can be true - they either have policies or they don’t. Their complaint really seemed to to be that their policies are not insignificant enough to be palatable. i.e. ER are focussed on changes which are significant enough to have an adequate effect. For the past 35 years[1], the West has gradually moved from climate change being a fringe concern, to climate change being an acknowledged political concern, to implementing changes small enough to be palatable. We have not yet moved to making changes large enough to be adequate. And...
usedtolovelearning 15 There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them. There is an element of truth in this for both Corbyn and May. Neither of them have the confidence of their own vision to drive forward this impasse. May is beholden to the extreme elements of her party as unleashed by Cameron, together with the intransigent DUP. Her entire premiership has been bogged down by two issues; Cameron's Referendum result and her previous role. The legacy of her time at the Home Office lingers on every street of the UK and has tainted her successors precipitously. Her interpretation of the Referendum mandate in an attempt to appease the same elements that Cameron sought to cow has now utterly overwhelmed government. Corbyn was plucked from the obscurity of the reactionary wing of the PLP to challenge the pseudo-Tory line up of the leadership campaign thrust on the party by Milliband. More accustomed to protest than planning, he faced a sim...
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