New balls, please!

We're back to needing a new path forward - because this path is not taking us anywhere.

It's looking more and more likely that this path will end up with a terrible Brexit that will take years to reverse, or that will put us firmly under the thumb of the US - chlorinated chicken, genetically modified foods,  the NHS pinned on a board for the US healthcare industry to slice off tasty parts of, and the UK Government sued by US corporations if the UK ever passes a law which lowers US corporate profits.  A terrible Brexit which will facilitate Scottish independence and Irish re-unification.  With England and Wales controlled much more thoroughly by the USA than even the most swivel-eyed loon of a Brexiteer has ever claimed about the EU.

So, given that those are the current path, time to head down a different path, guided by a less toxic and untrustworthy process.

If England and Wales are going to end up on their own anyway, why not make this a key part of the next steps of Brexit?

Scotland voted 2 to 1 to Remain.  Gibraltar voted 19 to 1.  Northern Ireland leaned 12% towards Remain.

Against that, we have Wales leaning 5% towards Leave.  Even England didn't manage to reach 7% towards Leave.

So England & Wales want Brexit (slightly).  Gibraltar and Scotland strongly want to Remain, and  NI want to Remain twice as strongly as England and Wales want to Leave.

May's government have managed to drag out the Article 50 negotiations beyond their alloted 24 months, and still haven't completed everything they need to.

So it's time to dust off the "Reverse Greenland".  Or, as I like to call it, #WExit - a Wales and England Exit.   From the UK.  Leaving NI and Scotland in the UK, in the EU, with the UK's Germany++++ deal intact - no Euro, no Schengen, no ever-closer union, and a rebate on fees.

England & Wales are freed of the need to carry out Article 50 negotiations with the EU.  They can carry out "make them up as you go along" negotiations, with a rump UK that is tiny enough to be bullied along by the new Kingdom of England & Wales.

Leavers in England and Wales get to Leave - and more easily.
Remainers in Scotland and NI and Gibraltar get to Remain - and retain the ++++ deal.
Remainers in E&W get to console themselves that rejoining the EU only requires rejoining the UK - and not full re-accession talks.
Leavers in the rump UK and territories - well, they can always hop over Hadrian's Wall to the newly independent E&W.

But we'll need to get away from the lies and illegality of the 2016 Referendum.  We need political advertising and campaigning to be decent legal honest and true.
We need social media ads to be publically disclosed, not just shown to a select, highly targetted few.  And we need to know how much social media advertising is being done - we have campaign spending limits here for a good reason. 

So #WExit.  And a Political Advertising Standards Authority.    That's a different course.  Or - we could all just agree to call the whole thing off.   Despite the fact that 25% to 30% of people will support the Brexit Party and UKIP, who will bray about "Betrayal!" for as long as the EU Parliament will pay them salaries, expenses and pensions.


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