A claim often made is that it is not possible to compare Scotland and England because London has a much denser population London;s populationi s larger, and it's population denisty is higher, but not incomparably. Population Area (sq km) Population Density Year Greater Glasgow 1,209,143 368.5 3,281 2011 Greater London 8,908,000 1,572 5,667 2018 Greater London 8,982,000 1,572 5,714 2019 It's worth noting that the City of Glasgow on its own had 1.089 million inhabitants last century, and there has been a concerted effort to lower Glasgow's population density, decade after decade. It's also interesting to note that the City of London only has 8,910 residents. (I used to be one of them. It was the shortest commute I ever had). But over 1 million poeople work there each weekday.